ABOUT Abbeth

  • @abbeyadora

Texas Tech University, Junior

I love my college because…

it has all of the school pride and tradition that I desired in my school, along with amazing student life on and off campus. And of course, the academics are great here too!

I really hate when…

people cancel plans on me. But my pet peeves change from day to day. Some things that genuinely annoy me all of the time are laziness, a lack of cleanliness, and obnoxiousness.

I major in…

(hopefully) Nursing! I hope to go into trauma and flight nursing as an officer through an Armed Forces branch like the Air Force or the Navy. (Fingers crossed I go to Germany!)

My hometown is awesome because…

it is such an incredible fusion of the old West and the new South in the DFW area. To me, Sundance Square is the Times Square of the South. And there is always something to do, whether it’s catching a Rangers or a Cowboys game, going to one of the many malls, hitting up Six Flags or Hurricane Harbor, catching a concert downtown, or just hitting Uptown for a good old-fashioned bar crawl.


At school you can find me…

working full-time to support myself. In my free time, I study! I am also a member of clubs like HOSA, TNSA, and the Pre-Nursing Association.

The coolest college class I’ve taken so far is…

a class about addictive disorders and recovery studies. It was such an interesting topic! I made an A in the class easily, and I’m currently in the process of applying to be an undergrad TA for this class. Fingers crossed!

My ideal first date would be…

anything that lets me get to know the other person. I don’t want to go sit in a movie theater or anything like that for the first date, probably not for the third or fourth either. I want to be able to talk, and I want the guy to be able to give me a chance to laugh because a sense of humor is important to me.

My favorite late night study snack is definitely…


If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…

spend them with the people I love, just talking and reminiscing. When my dad passed away in April, that was the one thing that helped my family. I would want to be able to get everything off of my chest so that they wouldn’t have the questions that I did for my dad.

IF I could change one thing about the world, it would be…

so many things. I would change the fact that there is still a wage gap. I would change the fact that there are girls in the world that will never learn how to read or write. I would change the fact that I could get a call one day saying that one of my male friends was shot at a simple traffic stop simply because of the color of his skin. I would change the fact that today it seems you have to be either pro-the people who are supposed to protect us or pro-an entire race of people. I would change the fact that we have two presidential candidates who quite frankly both suck- we can’t trust one to tell us the what they’re really thinking, and we have one that unfortunately cannot seem to stop telling us what they are really thinking.

I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…

my college and my experiences there are one-of-a-kind and I think that with the right attention and help, I could actually change some of the things I listed, or at least make my voice heard.

Big 12