Kaitlyn Boatright

ABOUT Kaitlyn

University of Oklahoma, Junior

I love my college because….

it was the school I’ve wanted to go to since I was at least seven years old. I’ve dreamt of going to OU my whole life. I went to my first football game and I knew instantly that this was the college for me. Since I’ve been here, I have not once regretted making the decision to move 6 hours away from home.

I really hate when…

people are mean to others for absolutely no reason. Yes, it sucks when you have a bad day and bad things happen to you, but why should people who aren’t even involved get ridiculed and disrespected?

I major in…

Pre-Med and Human Relations. With that, I would like to become an eye surgeon.


At school, you can find me…

involved with Alpha Chi Omega, Winter Welcome Week Exec, Moore Pawsibilities, Moore Animal Shelter, and Victoria Secret Campus Reps.

If I could give my younger self a piece of advice, I would say…

take classes and fun more seriously! College is hard and being able to manage a social life, good grades, and having fun is also hard. You get what you put into it.

Big 12