ABOUT Madeline
Kansas State University, Sophomore
I love my college because….
I wanted the standard university experience and out of the four universities I toured as a high school senior, Kansas State was the friendliest! When I went on a tour of the campus for the first time, I couldn’t even tell you how many students looked at the group I was in to tell us ‘welcome to K-State!’ Being in such an accepting and friendly college environment with incredible school spirit for every activity is what makes Kansas State so special.
I really hate when…
college students still don’t know the difference for ‘there’ or ‘your.’ Like seriously? You’re 20; take five seconds to spell-check that tweet.
I major in…
Secondary Art Education and minor in Studio Art, in hopes of becoming a high school art teacher (with limited crazy tactics!). As a teacher, you are able to interact with all kinds of people which is perfect for me being the social butterfly that I am! I also would love to coach swim team because I swam competitively for nine years and am really good at being bossy.
My hometown is awesome because…
the level of comfort I get when I’m in Topeka is perfect. I feel it’s a good happy middle for me because I love to travel, so being in a medium-sized town makes me appreciate when I go to either smaller secluded towns or big cities.
At school, you can find me…
very involved within Chi Omega as the head of the banner committee as well as head of our homecoming spirit sign, both of which require a finished painted product at the end of every week we have an event. At KSU, I am a part of the Painter’s Society and am on the marketing team for Spoon University, which allows me to post and promote my favorite thing ever: FOOD.
The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…
3D Design because I get to work with my hands with all different mediums to create pieces that without the assignment, I never would have thought to make.
My ideal first date would be…
good sushi and great conversation. But if I feel like I’m being interviewed with small talk question after question, I’m tuned out. Double the points for every door held open for me- I’m an old fashioned kind of gal! Except I like to pay for dessert (anything chocolate), it balances the chivalry you’ve shown the rest of the night.
My favorite late night study snack is…
Zebra Cakes or Whales.
If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…
well 8 of those hours would be driving to Colorado’s enormous sand dunes and then the larger portion of the time used for extreme dune-bugging. With whatever time I have left, I would buy the most giant dog I can find and I would die happy.
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
the amount of complaining that everyone takes part in is actually ridiculous to me. Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do, but other times it isn’t even worth your complaint- just take a deep breath and participate in life.
If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…
you don’t have to put up with anything that you don’t want to. If someone isn’t good to you then they don’t have to play a part.
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
the mission is to make my school proud of who their students are!