Adriana Tienda

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Big 10 CONFERENCE

ABOUT Adriana

  • adrianatienda

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Junior

I love my college because…

it’s the best! Okay but really I chose it because it had everything to offer me. I knew I wanted the big school atmosphere and I love knowing that I go to school with 40,000+ students, but my favorite reason is that you don’t feel like you’re 1 in 40,000. U of I works so hard to be inclusive and there’s so many ways to make you feel at home. My school is also is one of the top public universities and to have that just two hours from where I lived, I mean, it was a no brainer!!

I really hate when…

people are rude to waiters/waitresses and then don’t leave tips. Both of my parents own businesses and I’ve seen a lot of that in my lifetime, and it just grinds my gears!

I major in…

Integrative Biology. I hope to either go to medical school or pursue a career in the field of Genetics, which is something I’m very passionate about.

My hometown is awesome because…

of the residents. Flora is a very small town, but you get to know almost everyone. The close-knit community that Flora has is something that I hold very close to my heart.


At school, you can find me…

as President of the club Latinos in Pre-Health, I volunteer at the hospital, I am a member of Phi Mu, and I also work as a research assistant studying Fragile X Syndrome.

The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…

Genetics because it really sparked my interest in the subject. However, I am currently taking a Floral Design class, and that might be my new favorite.

My ideal first date would be…

to first drive around and listen to some awesome music. Then of course grab some amazing local food followed by ice cream. To end the night, I would love to lay down a blanket, look up at the stars, and just get to know the other person.

My favorite late night study snack is…

vanilla ice cream! It’s my guilty pleasure, and it always makes me feel better.

If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…

this is an easy one for me! I would spend them just talking and reliving old memories with my family, friends, and loved ones. Of course, there would be lots of vanilla ice cream consumption too!

If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…

all the hate we have in our world. I truly believe if we all had a little more love, then the world would be a better place all around.

If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…

don’t sweat it.

I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…

I feel that I truly embody a college student who loves her school and is making the best out of her college experience. I think I am qualified and I would love the opportunity to be Miss COED [2017]!

Big 10