ABOUT Mackenzie
University of Maryland, College Park, Senior
I love my college because…
it has a lot of school spirit! I love the University of Maryland because it fulfills everything I want and more! University of Maryland challenges me in multiple aspects, from academics to time-management. UMD’s campus is also so beautiful and there is always something fun to be a part of on-campus!
I really hate when…
people chew like cows!
I major in…
Communication with a focus in PR and I am minoring in Business. Once I graduate, I hope to work in the public relations or marketing field for a well-known firm or for a major sports team. My ultimate dream is to work in the Office of Public Affairs for NASA.
At school, you can find me…
as a member of Alpha Phi at University of Maryland and I can’t imagine attending UMD and not being in my sorority. Alpha Phi has given me so much and I can not thank my chapter enough for everything they have given me. I am also a part of PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America), and I love attending PRSSA events because I get to network with public relations practitioners and learn about the different types of public relations!
My hometown is awesome because…
of how laid back and friendly the Midwest is. I actually lived in St. Louis, Missouri until I was 14, so when people ask about my hometown I usually think of St. Louis. When I moved to the East Coast, I noticed people were always in a rush and tended to keep to themselves. Now that I have lived in Annapolis for 7 years, I have grown to love the East Coast and the atmosphere it brings. I love summers in Annapolis because there is water everywhere and I love going out on my friend’s boat. I also love how beaches are so close. Annapolis is also very close to both Baltimore and Washington D.C., so I really love exploring in those cities when I have the chance.
My ideal first date would be…
a fun activity like an amusement park or exploring a city! I don’t like dinner dates as much, they can be awkward when it comes to talking and eating at the same time.
My favorite late night study snack is definitely…
Burger King’s chicken fries!
If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…
go skydiving or do something crazy that I would usually be too scared to do!
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
to put an end to human trafficking, specifically sex trafficking. I have read one too many horrific stories on human trafficking and wish it did not exist. It’s 2016, why is human trafficking still a thing?
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
I want to show people how amazing University of Maryland is! I also want to encourage college students to get involved with their school!