ABOUT Lauren
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Freshman
I love my college…
for so many reasons. The academics are outstanding, yet challenging, and I knew I would be mentally challenged to learn more here than any other university. The friends I have made here are all unique and irreplaceable individuals that I know will be in my life forever. The environment here is invigorating- it gives me a happy, warm feeling just being here- even when I am drowning in my homework. There is always something to do here; I am never bored. It is home.
I really hate when…
people use my belongings or take them without asking. Please ask. I also like doing things in order, and I am a very clean person; everything has a place.
I major in…
I want to do something with Actuarial Science or Accounting. I love math- I know it’s nerdy. I want to do something health-administration related or insurance.
My hometown of Milwaukee is awesome because…
it’s beautiful, it’s tight-knit, and comfortable. I especially love the feeling I get of being home and driving my car around and feeling familiar to all of my surroundings.
At school, you can find me…
involved in Colleges Against Cancer, Actuarial Science Club and B.line- a marketing committee. I plan on joining a sorority next semester.
The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…
Calculus 2.
My ideal first date would be…
a good, quality dinner and a walk around the city. Drive-in movies are also very cute, and ice cream is a necessity!
My favorite late night study snack is…
pretzels…and peanut butter.
If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…
go see my family and my loved ones. I would also want to impulse-buy a corgi dog.
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
our presidential candidates for the 2016 year…yikes.
If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…
friends come and go… don’t spend your time stressing over the fake ones.
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
it would be an honor to represent such a perfect university and network/branch out into different organizations and communities.