ABOUT Keirston
Indiana University, Freshman
I love my college because….
the campus is beautiful, the staff is great, and everyone has amazing school spirit!
I really hate when…
people can’t take anything seriously. Not everything in life is a joke!
I major in…
Elementary Education. I plan on teaching first grade somewhere in Indiana, and hopefully becoming principal of an elementary school down the road!
My hometown is awesome because…
of the diversity! It also has a small-town feel, even though there are 40,000 students who attend IU.
At school, you can find me…
involved in Project Kids Network. We work with Big Brothers Big Sisters, and we collect money/supplies for kids in need. You can also find me at every home basketball game!
My ideal first date would be…
a picnic! So romantic.
My favorite late night study snack is…
Pizza! Who doesn’t love eating pizza when you should really be doing your homework?
If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, I would say…
Just be yourself! Don’t worry about what others think; the right people will come into your life and stay there because they love the real you.
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
I love my school and would love to make an impact on other people’s lives!