ABOUT Acacia
California State University – San Bernardino, Senior
I really hate when…
Sodexo (the food suppliers) have overpriced food.
I major in…
Music Performance. I want my small group, The Indigo-Go’s, to be able to play at conventions, restaurants, arcades, and wherever else we can share our love of music and nerdiness.
My hometown is awesome because…
Lake Elsinore’s Main Street has a lot of really cool shops to walk around. Also, the high school I went to, Lakeside, has a really great pool and recital hall, since it’s fairly new. The town has been growing a lot lately.
At school, you can find me…
as a part of the Coyote Music Society, which is essentially all of the students who participate in the music department, majors and non-majors alike. I also regularly exercise at the Rec Center, and attend meditation at the Health Center. In the music department, I play flute in the Symphonic Band, Orchestra, and Flute Choir, and play bari sax in Jazz Band.
The coolest class I’ve taken so far is…
“Arranging,” which is essentially making covers of songs, was my favorite class. Firstly, it was with Dr. Knop who is the best professor ever, but I learned a lot about how to make different instruments sound good, and have taken up doing a lot of arranging for The Indigo-Go’s, as well as just for fun. Its really empowering to be able to take whatever song I want and be able to play it with others. It led to a very emotional time for a coworker when I arranged a song he was forced to sing in his officer training for the band and was very proud of me.
My ideal first date would be…
going to the movies. You can tell a lot about a person by what movies they enjoy. My ideal date would be seeing a matinee movie (preferably a super hero film cause Marvel is awesome), getting lunch somewhere nice-ish (still a broke college student after all), and going for a walk at a mall or the beach or whatever so we can nerd out together.
My favorite late night study snack is definitely…
popcorn, preferably homemade. Real butter is awesome.
If I had 24 hours left to live, I would…
go to Disneyland. Disney is a huge part of my life, whether it’s the movies or the music or the park itself. During the 50th anniversary of Disneyland my grandparents bought my family passes, so we would go a lot of Sunday mornings. I got myself a pass for a while after I went to Basic Training, and would go for a few hours every month after drill. Now, one of my best friends works there, as we’ve been going every so often. It’s just so magical there, and the attention to detail really shows.
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
to make more people think critically about things. People often get so caught up on what someone said and just blindly follow that, whether it’s politics, religion, or school. If more people thought things through, many problems would be gone, I think.
I’m going to be Miss COED 2017 because…
I feel as if girls like me often get overlooked for things like this. I don’t have a type-A personality. I don’t have “the perfect bod,” whatever that is. I’m not always super social. But, I dress up like Sailor Moon for fun. I play music in many different styles. I’m learning to be professional. I started a musical group, the likes of which I’ve never seen, but wanted since I was a child. I feel like having a girl like me be in the spotlight will work wonders for others. To see me do it can make others feel like they can too. Like being the section leader in band, I will set the example to show how it’s done. I will lead the pack.