Avery Lemler


Colorado State University, Sophomore

Why did you choose your school and what makes it better than the rest?

As soon as I stepped on CSU’s campus it felt like home! I had been considering a couple other schools, but CSU was by far my favorite. The beauty of the Oval inspired me, and it was amazing to see the modernity of the newer buildings on campus mixed with the original Administration Building and some of the older structures. I was also so impressed by the variety and quality of programs and majors that they offered! I knew that I would be getting a fantastic education, and I would be able to explore majors and find what I wanted to do for the rest of my life!
Even before I visited the campus, I attended a Homecoming football game against the Air Force Academy. There, I felt a sense of community and family among the students, parents, and alumni of CSU, and that was something that I wanted to be a part of!
CSU has so much to offer, even with the location! Fort Collins is an amazing town, with some of the nicest people I have ever met and access to beautiful outdoor activities. I’m so glad I chose CSU, because I honestly feel like I have found a community and a town that I could spend the rest of my life in and be perfectly happy!

What kind of activities are you involved in? (sorority, theatre, clubs, etc)

I’m involved in Kappa Alpha Theta – Beta Gamma Chapter. Being a part of this organization has been AMAZING so far! The girls are all so genuine and kind, and I have had a lot of opportunities to get involved with the campus and Fort Collins community. I’ve been able to volunteer at the Fort Collins Rescue Mission, CSUnity, and some other places around town!
I also participate in IM Volleyball, and the women’s team that I’m on even won in the Fall (not to brag or anything). With my sophomore year coming up, I am really looking forward to expanding my horizons and getting involved with other organizations on campus!


If you had to choose one social media to use for the year, what would it be and why?

Twitter! I think it’s really good for staying in touch with friends and seeing what they’re up to. It’s also a helpful news outlet and it’s really interesting to see people’s opinions on certain subjects! There’s some really funny people on Twitter.

What’s your major/what are you thinking of majoring in?

Right now, I’m majoring in Human Development and Family Studies, with concentrations in Prevention and Intervention Sciences and Early Childhood Professions. I got into this major because I was thinking of becoming an elementary school teacher, but now I am leaning more towards becoming an ultrasound technician, so I may explore other majors.

What do you know now that you wish you knew as a freshman?

I wish I knew that it’s perfectly fine to have no idea what you want to do with your future! I felt so much pressure to know exactly what career I wanted, but now I know that not many people my age have any idea what they’re going to end up doing, so I just need to accept that and be patient.