Samantha Copperstone

ABOUT Samantha

  • Samcopperstone

Portland State University, Freshman

Why did you choose your school and what makes it better than the rest?

I chose it because I wasn’t ready to leave my beautiful city. It’s right in the heart of downtown, and who wouldn’t love an urban scene like PSU?

What is the best on-campus food?

There are tons of great food carts ranging from Hawaiian to Lebanese, so yummy.

What kind of activities are you involved in? (sorority, theatre, clubs, etc)

I did volleyball intramural and volleyball club.


If you had to choose one social media to use for the year, what would it be and why?

Snapchat so that you can interact with your friends, post whatever, and keep up to date with your friends, but honestly it’s just favorite social media outlet.

What’s your major/what are you thinking of majoring in?


Who’s the most famous graduate from your school?

Holly Madison, Carolyn Davidson, Courtney Love

Wildcard West