UCLA Upset With LAPD Using Stadium as ‘Field Jail’ For Protestors Without Permission

UCLA is not happy with the Los Angeles Police Department. The university took to social media to share a statement after learning the LAPD had been using Jackie Robinson Stadium as a field jail during the George Floyd protests.

The university said that the LAPD had accessed the stadium without the school’s knowledge or permission and only learned of the arrested protestors being gathered on the property after a letter began circulating among the UCLA faculty. The letter claimed “the LAPD were deliberately herding arrested protesters into sheriff’s buses and bringing them to the stadium.”

“We’re troubled by the account of Jackie Robinson stadium being used as a field jail,” the university said in a statement on Twitter. “This was done without UCLA’s knowledge or permission. As lessee of the stadium, we informed local agencies that UCLA will NOT grant permission should there be a request like this in the future.”

The school later confirmed that the LAPD has vacated the property.

Prior to the field jail incident, the area outside of Jackie Robinson Stadium had been used by the local government as a coronavirus testing site.

“The cruel irony that this took place at a location used as a COVID-19 testing site is not lost on those arrested or on us,” the professors wrote.


Floyd was killed after a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on the back of his neck for nearly 8 minutes while Floyd pleaded for air. The ex-officer, Derek Chauvin, has been arrested for third-degree murder. The three other officers involved — Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao — have been fired by the Minneapolis Police Department and remain under investigation.

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