Check Out The First Trailer For The Rock's Prison Boot Camp HBO Documentary

Last night, the first trailer for The Rock’s new HBO documentary was released on his YouTube channel. The documentary is called Rock and a Hard Place, which is an absolutely fantastic pun. Rock and a Hard Place is centered around the Miami-Dade County Corrections and Rehabilitation Department Boot Camp, and you can check out its trailer in the video below.

Chills City, Population: This Guy. Call me crazy, but I’m predicting a 100% success rate with this group of inmates. Because if The Rock tells you, “Don’t f*ck this thing up,” you’re most definitely not f*cking this thing up. I’d rather let down my entire immediate family before I disappointed The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment.
Rock and a Hard Place looks like a Beyond Scared Straight episode mixed with Gridiron Gang, and I cannot wait for it to make its debut on HBO on Monday, March 27 at 10:00 P.M. ET.
Also, does The Rock even sleep? That guy pumps out projects like nobody’s business. His career is like one long late-night Adderall session.

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