I actually like Stephen A Smith. He catches a lot of crap, but the dude is a proud New Yorker, which is a major bonus in my book. He is also notorious for speaking his mind, no matter how pantently ridiculous his opinion may be. Ya gotta respect that. So, naturally, when it comes to the infamous topic of O.J. Simpson, SAS is convinced he would have gotten the verdict that 99% of humanity thinks OJ deserved.
[protected-iframe id=”baf59b36b00ab29bbce2a9991a91875a-3508545-91726680″ info=”https://streamable.com/e/2zgk” height=”450″]
Told ya. Just Stephen A, Stephen A’ing hard AF. Still, though, you have to respect the man’s confidence.
Stephen A Smith: you either hate to love him, or love to hate him. There is no in between.
[h/t Brobible]