Is Charlie Sheen, HIV Positive: Must See Info & Details

The National Enquirer is reporting that actor Charlie Sheen is HIV positive. If the story is true, Charlie’s going to have to use something a little more strong than Tiger Blood to fix the problem. [lead image via Getty Images / Chris Polk]

The story, which originated from the infamous tabloid, has been making headlines for a week or two but without Charlie’s name. Instead readers were left to guess who they were talking about. People had been speculating that it was the Hollywood playboy–mostly because of the hints that the Enquirer had leaked–but now the cat’s out of the bag.

“In our next issue — to hit newsstands nationwide on November 18 — The ENQUIRER blows wide open the scandal we first revealed last month.
The ENQUIRER exposed how a notorious Hollywood womanizer was hiding a deadly health crisis.”

The National Enquirer claimed at least four women have alleged the actor exposed them to the virus, including his girlfriend Brooke Mueller. This text message, also obtained by The Enquirer, points in that direction:
Additionally, the paper alleges that Charlie has been dealing with the disease since 2011–the same year Sheen was let go from Two and a Half Men. That would be a hell of a coincidence, wouldn’t it? It’d also explain why he went absolutely crazy on set.

We’re going to wait to see the full story before we pass any judgements, but if we find out that if it’s true and that Charlie’s been sleeping around without disclosing his state of health, it’ll be hard to like him. There are also the legal implications to consider.

Update: TMZ has announced that Charlie Sheen will announce on The Today Show with Matt Lauer that he has HIV.

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