The Oscar Mayer Weinermobile Got Into A Wreck, For Reals [PHOTO]

The internet loves a good hoax about the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile getting into a crash–but it’s looking like there’s a good chance that the beloved Weinermobile actually did get damaged today in the cold climes (and mean streets) of Enola, Pennsylvania.
That’s in contrast to the great Weinermobile Hoax of 2013. Thankfully, the Wisconsin State Journal was around to expose that example of an old pic of a crashed Weinermobile getting shopped around to alarm the civilians. This new incident, however, is being covered by some of Pennsylvania’s top news people. That includes Jesse Knutson of CBS 21 News in Harrisburg, who Tweeted out the above photo, and this one, too…

Weinermobile Wreck 2

Fortunately, no one was injured, which makes it more fun for people in the comments section to say things like, “The driver couldn’t ‘mustard’ up a good explanation” and “Things took a turn for the wurst .” People love the Weinermobile just for that kind of thing. By the way, it’s spelled “Weinermobile” and not “Weiner Mobile.” We want to stress that partly because of our own high journalistic standards, and also because we love the Weinermobile.

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