Here's David Spade in 'Joe Dirt: Dirt and Dirter To' [PHOTO]

Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser is really on the way–and we’re thinking David Spade waited until Dumb and Dumber To became a hit to release the first photo from the set. Did you know that David Spade has an Instagram account? We didn’t, but we’ll sure keep following now that we know Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser is a beautiful reality.
Sadly, it looks like Joe Dirt 2 is going to be a humble Crackle release instead of a big-budget movie that’s meant to rock the multiplexes. That means we probably won’t get Christopher Walken or Jaime Pressly. The good news is that the mullet is back. We’re thinking this picture is mainly about reassuring people that Joe Dirt will have the mullet. So we’re sold–and here’s the trailer for the original Joe Dirt, if you need to be reminded that we’re talking a classic character here….

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