During the holidays, people eat a lot of yummy food at parties and with their families. This can make them feel gassy, which means they fart a lot. Experts say that sometimes, too much farting can mean something is wrong with your tummy.
Experts shared insights on what your farts might reveal about your health.
An article from The Sun talks about how different kinds of farts can tell you different things about your health. Some farts are normal, while others might be a warning sign.
Most gas is caused by the food you eat. But, if your farts smell really bad, it could be because you ate foods like broccoli or eggs, says Dr. Philip Mayhead.
I ate so many egg dishes last week! Maybe that’s why I’ve been so gassy… But is it a big deal?
Well, sometimes it can be. If you’re farting a lot and it’s super smelly, it might be because of something called SIBO. This happens when your body doesn’t like certain foods, like milk.
There’s also something known as ‘odorless farts.’ These happen when you swallow a lot of air while eating. They sound funny but don’t smell at all.
Ever heard of painful farts? They’re usually from eating spicy stuff like peppers. So, if it burns, it’s probably just the spicy food talking!
If you’re farting too much or it’s painful regularly, maybe visit a doctor. It could be related to SIBO or IBS.
No need to worry if the gas goes away after a short time.