WATCH: Corner Store Karen Gets Slapped After Telling Customer ‘Go Back to Mexico’

How is it that we are midway through 2020 and people still don’t understand that it’s not okay to be racist. It’s especially damaging when you are recorded on your racist rants, because you are guaranteed to go viral in today’s day and age.

One woman in Phoenix, Arizona learned that the hard way and caught some swift justice in return.

While inside of a Shell gas station, the Arizona Karen was reportedly flustered because her gas pump was not working. Then, Karen decided to get into a verbal altercation with another customer.

During their exchange, Karen went full-on racist and told the other customer, a young Native American woman, to “go back to Mexico.” In case her racism wasn’t clear, she doubled down by saying, “go back to her country.”

The younger customer had enough and gave zebra-striped Karen a nice slap across the face.

You can check out the altercation below, along with a brief transcription of the conversation, via the New York Post (the face-to-face altercation begins at approximately the one-minute mark):

“Where are you from, b—h?” the younger woman shoots back. “I was born in America. Where are your ancestors from? They’re not from this country.”

“You better go back to Mexico,” the older woman says, before the two get in each others’ faces.

”Karen” appears to shove the younger woman, who slaps her across the face — prompting the older woman to storm out in a huff.

“You deserved it in my opinion,” Conn says while still recording. “Self defense on her part.”

The best part of the entire video may be the customer filming, whose name is Greg Conn, finishing off the video by telling Karen “you deserved it, in my opinion” after she just got the snot slapped out of her.

And, yes, violence is wrong, but sometimes in cases like this you love to see it.

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