It is not a good time to be self-proclaimed Tai Chi master Ma Baoguo. The 69-year-old was taking on 50-year-old “MMA hobbyist” Wang Qingming in what proved to be a poorly thought out amateur tournament held by Yan Wu Tang.
Within 30 seconds, Qingming scored three knockdowns of the “master” before landing the final, devastating blow that left Baoguo unconscious.
While it was a devastating knockout, we can be thankful that Baoguo did not suffer any serious injuries and we got to see a hilarious knockout at a time where we are starving for any sports action. The tournament hosting the bout reportedly took place on May 17.
You can check out the wild scene below.
Here is the video description: “This happened May 17, 2020, and it involved self-proclaimed Tai Chi Master Ma Bao Guo 马保国 and an MMA hobbyist. For those of you who’ve been following Chinese MMA news, this is the same Ma Bao Guo Tai Chi master that ran away from the Xu Xiaodong match in 2017. Three years later, Ma Baoguo tests his Tai Chi and Xingyi against a 50-year-old MMA hobbyist in an official match put on by Yan Wu Tang 16 fight promotion in Shandong. The match was not in a ring or a cage, but on what looks like the ground.”
Perhaps we should stop letting senior citizens compete in full-contact fighting.