A 14-year-old suspect in the fatal stabbing of Tessa Majors was picked up by the New York Police Department in the Bronx early in the morning on Thursday, December 26. However, according to the New York Post, the suspect was released without charges.
The teenager was briefly detained and it is believed that investigators were planning to obtain a DNA sample. However, it is not believed that the suspect underwent questioning because he had legal representation.
“This was a significant development in the investigative process,” Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison said. “Although he has since been released to the custody of his attorneys, the investigation remains very active.
“Our detectives are the best at what they do and are committed to finding justice for all parties involved.”
It is believed that the suspected killer was named by one of the other teenagers who have already been brought into custody. One 13-year-old, Zyairr Davis, reportedly named the 14-year-old as the person who delivered the fatal stabbing to Majors. Davis was arrested on a felony murder charge after he committed to being a part of the botched mugging.
Majors was attacked in Morningside Park where she was ultimately stabbed to death. Majors was just 18 years old.
From the Daily Mail:
It was claimed that she had staggered up to a Columbia University security booth after being attacked on the steps but that the guard was away doing rounds. Police sources said that when the guard returned, she had lost consciousness. Columbia University then corrected that version of events, saying in a statement that the guard was not only there when she stumbled up the steps, but that they called 911 immediately.
“We lost a very special, very talented, and very well-loved young woman,” the Majors family said in a statement after her death. “Tess shone bright in this world, and our hearts will never be the same.”