Pro-Tips for Airport Travel This Summer

Summer is officially here! That means it’s time to escape your college town and jet set on the vacation of your dreams – or maybe just head home to visit your eager-to-see-you parents. Regardless of where your few months of downtime takes you, odds are you may have to take an airplane to get there.
While flying is often the quickest way to get to your final destination, it’s no secret that it can be a real pain. Especially for those that are not seasoned travelers, preparing for a painless voyage through the sky can seem overwhelming.
Luckily, you’re far from the first person to use this method of transportation. In fact, each day approximately 2.7 million passengers are served by the Federal Aviation Administration – and each of these passengers has their own ideas about the ‘right’ way to travel.
A lot goes into flying, from outfit to seat selection to entertainment and snacks. There’s no right or wrong way to do it, but uncovered the varying flying habits of each generation. Whether you’re new to flying or have been on planes since birth, here are some tips you can steal for your Summer journeys.

Check In Early for a Window Seat

This is no news to anyone who has ever been on a plane before. However, a window seat makes your flight significantly better – over 60% of people prefer an exterior view over the aisle. The rookie mistake of waiting till airport arrival to check in could result in the dreaded middle seat, sandwiched between two strangers – and no one wants that.

Dress Comfy

No matter who will be picking you up from your destination airport, the golden rule is comfort is key. You’ll thank yourself later for ditching the comfy dress and stilettos. Surprisingly, despite millennials being stereotyped as high maintenance, baby boomers are the least likely to agree with only 40% saying they dress as comfortably as possible while flying.
Even if you’re going to see your family or friends who haven’t seen you in a while, the biggest life hack here is that you don’t have to look like a slob to be comfortable. Let the internet guide your fashion inspiration and style up your favorite athleisure so you can look cute without sacrificing comfort.

Prepare to Pass the Time

For some reason, the seconds seem to pass a lot slower above the clouds. Luckily, you can use technology to your advantage and take advantage of the few and far between free time. Swap out the boring textbook reading for a novel, magazine or eReader of your choosing.
Alternatively, people equally love to watch tv or movies on airplanes. Use Netflix’s download feature to your advantage in stocking up on content you’ve been dying to watch so you can enjoy entertainment without paying the steep in-flight WiFi fees.
Wherever your Summer takes you, the most important thing is to not think about your coursework. If you’re lucky enough to be boarding a flight away rather than being stuck on campus with Summer classes, take advantage of it. These few months of freedom are essential to reset your brain so you start the fall semester fresh and ready to ace your schoolwork.

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