Christmas shopping is one of the most challenging responsibilities of the year. With all of the family and friends you have, you not only have to find the right presents but also watch your bank account disappear. You can’t say no to Christmas shopping, because you end up looking like the bad guy who doesn’t care about Christmas. There are ways to Christmas shop the right way. Here are some strategies on how to properly Christmas shop.
Start Early
TIP: Shop early. Some offers are only for “while supplies last.” #MobileLiving pic.twitter.com/dOr1spE2tE
— RickGriffin✈️ (@RickGriffin) November 23, 2018
Don’t be that person who goes shopping for all your family and friends on Christmas eve. Yes, there are a lot of good deals on that day, but you are left with the stress and panic of trying to find everything. And if you forget one person, you won’t have time to go back and get something for them. Start at the beginning of December, that way you have exactly 25 days to shop for all your friends and family.
Find Deals & Sales
The countdown to Christmas is on and we have plenty of deals to help you out with your holiday shopping! Our December flash sales are right around the corner.. stay tuned for AMAZING sales! pic.twitter.com/qSm2KQ6pEf
— BeMobile Inc (@BeMobileInc) December 1, 2018
Christmas season always brings in good deal and sales. But, some stores don’t give you good deals or any at all. Shop smart, know which stores you need to go to and know which sales and deals there are at those stores. This way, you can save money and not see your bank account disappear right before your eyes. Also, instead of the mall, Target and Marshalls are always a great place to shop for cheap Christmas presents.
Find Equal Gifts
Furries who are bad at saving money the week after a big convention: pic.twitter.com/YuXuqRwwkO
— beef tips (@Faulkyn) November 22, 2018
Another way to save money, find a max amount of money to spend on each family member and friend. Kind of like rules for secret Santa, gifts can only be $15. Depend on how many people you need to get gifts for, find out the amount of money you can spend on each. This way you can save a lot of money, and know exactly where you need to shop.
Food Is Always A Backup
Is it bad that I thought that the wall was a slice of fruit cake for like 5 minutes? #pamemefest18 #pamemefest2018 pic.twitter.com/V9WXHtEEso
— Ryan (@ryguybook) December 2, 2018
Two ways you can gift food. One, through sweets like candy or baked goods. One or two bags of your friend’s favorite candy will always make them smile. And no one can deny baked goods. Two, for your family you can make a meal for them. They will see how caring the gesture is and forget about opening a gift from you on Christmas. Plus, it’s a gift they will remember for a long time. The only bad part about making meals, they will continuously ask for you to cook more often.
Gift Cards
What?? ANOTHER #BFAds #givaway?! You know the drill! 2 Amex Gift Cards ($50 each).
FOLLOW, RT , and COMMENT with your favorite Holiday scent.
(Ex. Cedar, Silver Needle candle, cider, etc.)Giveaway ends tonight, 11/9 at 11:59pm CT. pic.twitter.com/sHIjfSWPWR
— Black Friday Ads (@BFAds) November 9, 2018
If you have waited till the last minute, are tight on money, or don’t know what to get for your friends and family, gift cards are the way to go. Plus, gift cards are even better than buying something. This way they can get themselves something for themselves while still enjoying the gift of the gift card you gave them.