University Of Tennessee To Consider Allowing Alcohol At Campus Events

The University of Tennessee has recommended some major changes to the campus’ alcohol policy. If the measure is passed, the university — which has been a dry campus for years — would be able to sell beer and wine at certain on-campus events.
The Alcohol Policy Task Force, which includes students, faculty, academic deans, staff, alumni, and community members, recommended the changes after a review began in 2017.
“At the conclusion of the review and deliberation of these materials, the members of the Task Force unanimously agreed that it would be in the best interest of the University to revise the current alcohol policy to allow the lawful possession, consumption, and … distribution of alcohol on campus at specially permitted, registered events,” the report read.
As you would expect, the measures and recommendations are strongly supported by students.
From the report:

Part of the task force’s collection efforts included a public survey in February about the issue. Within an hour of putting it online, about 2,000 people responded, according to Carilli. In the weeks following, the number doubled.

University of Tennessee spokeswoman Megan Boehnke said 3,000 of the 4,053 responses to the survey were from University students.

“Students are happy about this (proposed) change,” Kabir said. “They’re looking forward to something happening.”

University of Tennessee Alcohol Recommendations

  • Recommendation No. 1: The University of Tennessee Knoxville adopt a policy in which the distribution, possession and consumption of alcohol by individuals aged 21 or over is allowed at preapproved, registered on-campus events, within the parameters of all state, federal and local laws;
  • Recommendation No. 2: Under this policy, all individuals aged 21 and over, including university students, should be permitted to consume alcohol at approved events;
  • Recommendation No. 3: Beer and wine are the only types of alcohol that should be allowed to be served at university-sanctioned events. Common source alcohol and liquor should be strictly prohibited.
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