Comic-Con isn’t just a place to buy comics, dress up, or see celebrities. It’s also a place that can help direct someone to their future career. This is more centered around writers and artists, rather than actors or movie creators. It’s hard to run into celebrities and have them give out random job offers. With writers and artists, most professionals are scattered around the convention hall by artist alley or other professional booths. Meeting your hero can be fulfilling but also asking for their advice can give you information on how to start your career, and you may get lucky and get noticed.
Artists kind of have it easy at Comic-Con, there is a whole separate area for them called artist alley. For those up incoming artists, you can basically go around each booth and ask for advice. Some of the even smaller ones you could also ask for them to help put your name out there. But, don’t go straight up to the first artist you see and demand they get you a job, be nice and make small talk. It’s basically a casual interview that could help you improve your artwork or get you higher on the artist scale.
Writers have it hard when attending Comic Con. It’s a little harder to find writers. If you do see them ask for advice and discuss how they got there start. And for those writers who aren’t in the starting line and are in the middle lane, try going through artist alley and pitching ideas to an artist. You may get lucky and find an artist who wants to help you or draw for your comic.
Finding a job is extremely rare at Comic-Con, but it’s a good starting point for getting advice. Don’t expect your life to be changed when attending a comic book convention, your life isn’t a lifetime movie. It takes a lot of time and hard work. Use Comic-Con as a tool to your advantage and work with it. Get your information and work from there, you will build up your knowledge and come back thanking your hero’s for helping you step into your dream job.