Lighting Your Cig With The Flames Currently Engulfing Your Car Is A Ballsy Move

While you first might scoff at the idea of standing next to a flame-engulfed to light a cigarette, the more you think about it in context of this particular situation, the more it makes sense.
This guy, 25-year old Robert Quigley, just drunkenly wrecked his car, and not only that, but the entire thing burst into flames. Basically, he was screwed and he knew it, so he weighed his options:

Option A) He could run, which would ultimately land him in more trouble.
Option B) He could wait for the cops & enjoy one last cigarette before he spends the night in jail.
Option C) He could avoid all of the consequences by letting the car explode in his face.

According to my professional analysis, Quigley did a little bit of both options B & C: he tried to have a quick boge before being thrown in the clink, and if the car explodes while trying to do so, then so be it.
via Fox News:

A suspected drunken driver went back to his burning car Sunday to try lighting his cigarette using the flames, according to the CHP. Amy Walker with the CHP says Robert Quigley, 25, rear-ended an SUV that was stopped in traffic on westbound Interstate 80 just west of Antelope Road. At the time of the crash, Quigley was driving around 75 to 80 mph.
A CHP officer spotted the car after it burst into flames and turned around in traffic to help. As he did, he spotted Quigley switch seats with his female passenger. Quigley later admitted to the officer that he was behind the wheel at the time of the crash.
A witness told officials a shirtless Quigley went back to his burning car to light his cigarette, singeing part of his eyebrows off in the process

When asked why he did it (tried to light a cig with a f*cking burning car), Quigley hilariously said: “Yeah I’m not afraid of fire. I deal with this kind of stuff all the time.”
He’s been charged on suspicion of driving under the influence and was booked into the Sacramento County Main Jail.

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