Veterans Day Weekend 2017: Top 5 Best Sunday Deals, Freebies & Discounts

With Veterans Day falling on a Saturday this year, the whole weekend has become a time of celebration and honoring our armed forces. While many places offer discounts and freebies on Veterans Day and the days leading up to it, there are still places offering deals until the end of the weekend!
We have a list of some of the places you can enjoy if you want to treat someone who served, or if you served yourself! Many of these deals, as you will see, are extensions of deals made on the holiday itself.

Boston Market

For one individual meal, you can get a second one free all weekend. You’ll need to print out a coupon from the company’s website, but no military identification is required.


You can get free pasta just for the price of pasta sauce all weekend. Those involved in the military can also get a new 10% discount.

Fogo de Chão

Veterans and active duty personnel get half-off their meals all weekend. Three guests and more will also get 10% of their meals at all American locations.


The chain already offers discounts for those who served, but even more will be added all weekend, well into Sunday.

National Parks

This one is kind of cheating since the parks will be open to everyone for free this weekend!

Veterans Day Videos 2017: Top 5 Best Videos For Veterans Day
Veterans Day Videos 2017: Top 5 Best Videos For Veterans Day
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