Veterans Day Deals 2017: Top 10 Best Deals, Freebies & Discounts

On Veterans Day, we remember to be grateful for those who fought for their country, with a lot of businesses trying to show their support for those by offering deals and free stuff for the holiday. If you have a friend or a loved one who served and you want to surprise them by taking them out, we have a list of some of the top 10 places that will offer free stuff over the holiday. It also works if you yourself served, in which case, you certainly deserved it.

Do keep in mind, most of these deals may vary by participating locations, so try to make sure to call or ask ahead. Some places will have deals only the day before, with others having deals going well into the end of the weekend, with everything in between.
Here are some of the Top 10 deals for vets!


Taking advantage of their reputation for being the place that never closes, veterans can get a free Build Your Own Grand Slam from 5 a.m. to noon Friday.


Veterans can get a Red, White and Blue pancakes or a patriotic pancake combo from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, although the deal also varies by location.

Dunkin’ Donuts

Veterans can get a free doughnut of choice, while supplies last, on Saturday.


On Saturday, veterans can get a free meal from a special menu at certain locations.

Outback Steakhouse

Giving away their piece-de-resistance, veterans can get a Bloomin’ Onion and non-alcoholic beverage for free on Saturday.

Olive Garden

Similar to the Friendly’s Deal, veterans can choose from a select menu to pick a free meal.

Panera Bread

Giving different deals depending on the time of day, free breakfast sandwiches will be available until 10 AM Saturday at participating locations, and veterans can also get coupons later in the day for free pastries (that can be used for a later date.)

Red Robin

You can already get bottomless fries here, but veterans can also get a free Red’s Tavern Double Burger, also with bottomless fries, on Saturday.

TGI Friday’s

Vets can get a free lunch menu item up to $12 from 11 AM to 2 PM Saturday, as well as a coupon for $5 off next meal.

Great Clips

There are more deals than free food this year, as wonderful as free food is. Veterans and active duty can get a free haircut on Veterans Day or pick up a free haircut card to use through Dec. 31. Even non-veterans who get a haircut Saturday can also get a free haircut card that they can give to a veteran.

Are Banks Open/Closed On Veterans Day 2017?
Are Banks Open/Closed On Veterans Day 2017?