Roslyn Breen's Cinderella Wheelchair-Carriage: Must-See Photos & Full Story

A lot of little girls like to dress up like princesses for Halloween, especially when there are so many fairy tale heroines to choose from. Three-year-old Roslyn Breen of Comstock Park, Michigan, who was born with a muscular condition that keeps her confined to a wheelchair, wanted to be Cinderella this year, and her mother wanted to make sure things were special for her this year, especially for a little girl who deserves it.

A deserving girl gets to be a princess for the night…why does that sound familiar?

Roslyn’s mother, Tiffany decided to transform her daughter’s wheelchair into a pumpkin carriage for Halloween night. While using a pumpkin, six white mice, a rat and a few lizards is traditional, Tiffany decided to use things around the house: hula hoops, Christmas decorations and battery-operated lights.

In other words, it sparkles!

Officially, Roslyn’s condition is undiagnosed, but her condition keeps her from walking or even sitting up. According to Babble, Tiffany explained that it was important for her that Roslyn shone in her costume, saying, “I wanted her [Roslyn] to draw attention in a positive way. Sometimes, we get a lot of stares, for different reasons.”

Behold…more sparkles!

“Although life hasn’t always been so easy with Roslyn we are oh so grateful to be her parents! She brings such joy to our lives and we love sharing that with others! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her!”

Even before Halloween night, Roslyn got to show off her dress and carriage at an event called “Boo at the Zoo” in her hometown. Reportedly, people could be heard saying, “Look, there’s Cinderella in her carriage!”

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