Here's How To Save Thousands Of Dollars On Your Spring Break 2018 Trip

The weather is slowly getting worse, but one of the best ways to deal with the impending winter and accompanying depression is to imagine yourself on warm, amazing beaches with all your friends. We’re talking Spring Break 2018. Better yet, take that thought one step further and actually book your Spring Break 2018 trip right now with STS Travel. Not only do you guarantee yourself an unforgettable week with the best Spring Break travel agency, you also save yourself up to 50% off your hotel if you book with STS before October 31st.
I know you’re all probably math whizzes, but saving 50% on your hotel means that you can enjoy the same trip at a significantly smaller cost. Think of all the money you’re saving in the long run. I’d say you could use that cash at the hotel bar, but these places are all-inclusive. The truth is that you already know that you’re going on Spring Break this year, so go ahead and save yourself a solid amount of cash by getting it together now.
STS Travel has years of experience putting together the best travel packages for college students. And unlike some other companies, they don’t stop at booking your airfare and hotels. Their travel packages include complete schedules of parties, events, DJs and MCs. Then once the sun sets, STS can set you up with VIP treatment at the best clubs and and open bars. Even better, STS Travel has on-site staff to handle any issues that might pop up.
STS Travel is the best, which is why we’ve partnered with them to host three of our Miss COEDs (the winner and two runners-up) in Cancun this year. They’ll be treated like queens, along with their friends who will also get free trips, at the Oasis Cancun Lite–easily the hottest Spring Break destination this year.

So what are you waiting for? Save yourself a ton of money and sign up for Spring Break 2018 with STS Travel now!

Book Your Spring Break 2018 Now!

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