STS Travel Announces Free Spring Break Trips for Miss COED 2018 Winners

The school year has just started and you’re already thinking about Spring Break 2018. That’s OK because it shows planning and initiative–two things your high school professor said you didn’t have. The good news is that COED has you covered, because Miss COED 2018 has teamed up with STS Travel to send the Miss COED 2018 winners on a free Spring Break trip to Cancun, Mexico!
We’ve got a ton of other great prizes lined up for Miss COED 2018 contestants that will be announced soon, but here’s a look at the Spring Break trip:

• The Miss COED 2018 Grand Prize Winner receives an all-inclusive Spring Break 2018 package, including flight, rooms, and a VIP hosting opportunity at a party. She’ll also get to bring along 3 of her friends to join her (they receive the same all-inclusive package)!

• Both the Miss COED 2018 2nd and 3rd place runners up will also receive an all-inclusive Spring Break 2018 package, including flight, rooms, and a VIP hosting opportunity at a party. Both the 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive +1’s to join them on their trip, who also receive the same all-inclusive package.

We might be a little biased, but somehow we managed to make Miss COED–aka the greatest college social media competition ever–even better. Just another day here at the office.
For those of you living under a rock, STS Travel is the best company for college students to use for Spring Break. I used them when I went to Cancun (like 100 years ago), and one of our interns this summer even said STS bailed him out of a tough situation when he travelled with them on Spring Break two years ago.
If you’re not a female, you don’t stand a chance of winning of Miss COED 2018, but you should still book your trip early and save right now.


Miss COED of the Day: Madison Forbes of University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Miss COED of the Day: Madison Forbes of University of North Carolina at Charlotte