This middle-aged dude nearly has a full-blown breakdown on the UC Berkeley campus after finding a student putting up an outrageous poster advertising Free Speech Week and dripping with the words “Milo is cumming.” He is pissed as f*ck and is ashamed that such an obscene ad is being promoted. His puritan dogmatic mind is going through a whirlwind, and he finds this sign to be just too much to handle. It’s a poster advertising the return of the infamous Milo Yiannopoulos. And boy, did this snowflake get heated.
The pissed off dude talks down at one young student who appears to be the culprit of posting up that nasty, nasty sign. But then a couple of the student’s friends come along, and the aging “liberal” douche starts really feeling threatened. One of the guy’s friends speaks up for him, and the angry puritan says, “step off” and “I’m defending myself.”
“You’re in my personal space,” insists the enraged McCarthy-Era censor. But the defender of the accused replies that the triggered guy was the one who was getting a bit too close before. When the patriot’s pals showed up, that guy backed off a bit, and then started freaking out like a little, frightened, yelping doggie.
“I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself, I’m defending myself,” the middle-aged turd says over and over and over again.
The guy arguing with him is just like, “are you good?” at this point in the journey. Watch for yourself….
Of course, Milo and ejaculation jokes is tantamount to blasphemy according to the rules of the Puritan orthodoxy sweeping Berkeley and beyond. By the way, Milo is cumming for Free Speech Week from September 24-27. I wonder how UC Berkeley will handle his load this time…
Update (9/26/17): Free Speech Week was cancelled. But Milo still came to Berkeley anyway. Talk about a sticky situation…