WWE Monday Night Raw has taken over the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. Tonight’s show starts off with “The Lunatic Fringe” Dean Ambrose storming down to the ring. Let’s get right to The Lunatic Fringe now.
WWE Monday Night Raw Viewing Details
Date: Monday, August 14, 2017
Time: 8:00 P.M. EST
TV Channel: USA
Location: TD Garden, Boston, MA
Online: USA
Mobile: USA Now
Tickets: Ticketmaster
WWE Monday Night Raw Results
Stick around and refresh the page for live updates from tonight’s episode…
Dean Ambrose is Pissed
Ambrose yells to cut the music. He’s wondering where him and Seth Rollins stands. He invites Rollins out to the ring to explain himself. Seth Rollins’ music hits. Rollins says that he can tell in Ambrose’s eyes than he trusts him. Rollins wants to reform The Shield with Ambrose. Together, they’d “burn this place to the ground.”
Rollins extends his fist forward in signature Shield style. Ambrose declines the offer and implies that he still doesn’t trust Rollins.
“The Architect” Seth Rollins says sometimes he doesn’t event trust himself. Rollins is about to leave, but Dean stops him. Ambrose extends his fist forward and Rollins declines the fist bump. Ambrose is upset about being rejected. Both men push each other. Ambrose tackles Rollins and starts wailing away with his fists. Ambrose yells at him, “What’s your problem?” to Seth lying on the floor.
Rollins charges Dean, jumping on his back, on the attack. Both men beat each other up and fall outside the ring.
Out comes the WWE Raw Tag Team Champions Cesaro & Sheamus to pick the bones. The champs throw Dean over the barricade. Cesaro & Sheamus brings Rollins into the ring and they stomp him out. Dean Ambrose rises through the crowd and tries fighting off both men. But quickly, Sheamus & Cesaro beat Dean down. Then Rollins comes out of nowhere, jumping off the top rope and taking out Sheamus.
Rollins and Ambrose regain control. They kick ass and knock both Sheamus and Cesaro out of the ring. The champions are reeling. Meanwhile, in the ring, The Shield reunites. Ambrose and Rollins bump fists! The Shield is back, baby! The crowd goes nuts.
Raw General Manager Kurt Angle’s music hits. Angle announces that at SummerSlam, the reunited Shield (Rollins & Ambrose) will face off Sheamus & Cesaro for the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship.
Winner faces Alexa Bliss for the WWE Raw Women’s Championship at SummerSlam: Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax
WWE Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss comes out and watches the match from a lifeguard chair on the entrance ramp. Nia Jax is really kicking Sasha Banks’ ass in this match. Jax is treating Banks like a rag doll. Jax hits a leg drop and goes for the pin. 1…2…kick out!
Nia Jax is about to drop Banks, but Sasha slides over and rolls up her opponent. Jax kicks out and goes right on the attack. Jax drops Banks with a Samoan Drop, but Banks rolls out of the ring. The larger Jax sends the smaller Sasha banks into the ring. But Banks gets to higher ground first and starts punching Nia over and over again.
Banks is fighting back hard. And both competitors are shaken-up as we go to the commercial break.
Nia Jax is about to superplex Sasha Banks from the top rope, but Sasha slides through and looks like she’s about to powerbomb the bigger opponent. Banks can’t do it, so she kicks her behind the knee. Banks jumps on the top rope and drops her knees right on Jax.
Sasha Banks and Nia Jax tangle. Sasha locks Jax into the Banks Statement. Sasha does all she can to stop Nia from reaching the bottom rope. Jax powers out, but Banks drops her with a tornado DDT. “The Boss” locks Jax into the Banks Statement once again. Nia Jax taps out.
Sasha is going to SummerSlam!
Sasha Banks defeats Nia Jax
Inside Raw GM Kurt Angle’s Office
Kurt Angle is happy to see “The Boss” Sasha Banks win. The Hardy Boyz enter the office and Kurt mentions how The Revival is out of action thanks to the Hardys. The Revival has been broken. Delightful! Enter an Miz and his Miztourage. He’s pissed at Angle for sicking Brock Lesnar on them last week. The Raw GM just laughs. Angle says that The Miztourage’s Curtis Axel will face his son Jason Jordan tonight. But The Miz is pissed and wants to fight. Tonight, The Miz will face off against Jason Jordan instead.
Someone runs into Angle’s office and says there’s an altercation going on backstage between Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt.
Back from the break, and Wyatt and Balor are brawling. Angle is pissed off and he bumps up their SummerSlam match to tonight in Boston.
Who wants to walk with Elias?
Elias Samson is beneath a spotlight, sitting on a chair with a guitar in hand. Samson asks the crowd, “Who wants to walk with Elias?”
Samson does his usual shtick. He insults the host crowd, talking sh*t about Boston clam chowder for example. Out comes R-Truth who doesn’t have time for this. R-Truth comes down to fight “The Drifter,” but gets beaten done instead. Elias drops Truth and stands tall.
Big Cass runs his mouth with a Shark Tank
Big Cass stands behind a shark tank and talks some serious sh*t about Big Show, Enzo and the fans. He basically calls the fans “idiots” who just cheer along with whatever Enzo says, no matter what he’s saying. Cass calls Enzo is just a funny guy and that’s all he is. He says Big Show is just trying to use Enzo to stay relevant. At SummerSlam, it’ll be Big Cass vs. Big Show in the Big Apple. And Cass will show the world who’s really the better big man.
Ezno Amore’s music hits. Enzo says his usual catchphrase to introduce himself. The crowd chants “How you doin'” back at Enzo. ‘Zo has some difficulty on the mic and the crowd laughs. Cass mocks Enzo again for being “a funny guy.” ‘Zo doesn’t give a f*ck. He’s calling out The Big Show as back-up, baby!
Big Show enters the ring. Cass hides behind the shark tank. Enzo celebrates on the apron and Cass knocks him down. Big Show attacks Cass, but Gallows and Anderson come outta nowhere and ambush The Big Show. Cass, Gallows & Anderson are dissecting The Big Show. Gallows wraps a belt around Show’s hand. They’re about to crush Show’s hand with the door of the shark tank. Enzo jumps up on the apron, but eats a boot from Cass.
Cass slams the door on Big Show’s hand. The big man rolls and wiggles with pain. All three men beat the sh*t out of The Big Show. Cass stops on Big Show’s injured hand. Officials race down to the ring to neutralize the situation. Cass is finished with the assault. Cass proudly raises his fist in the air.
Big Show’s Hand Feels Like Absolute Sh*t
A WWE doctor tells Big Show his hand is broken. Show wants the doctor to get the hell away from him. ‘Zo and Show talk. Things don’t look too good for the big guy.
WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Neville (c) vs. Akira Tozawa
Both men tangle. Neville traps Akira Tozawa in a headlock, but Akira breaks free. Tozawa drops the “King of the Cruiserweights.” Neville probably didn’t take Tozawa seriously, who lays into the king who kicks and chops. But one strong kick takes out Akira.
Neville and Akira exchange moves. Tozawa knocks Neville out of the ring. The king races back in the ring, but gets dropped almost immediately. Tozawa takes control and have the champion reeling outside the ring as we go to the commercial break.
Neville takes control with a whip suplex on the outside. But Tozawa rallies back. Neville tries to make him submit with a Rings of Saturn. But Tozawa fights though. Neville attempts to hit a Red Arrow and misses. Tozawa hits a Senton for the win.
Akira Tozawa defeats Neville to win the WWE Cruiserweight Champion
Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor
Bray Wyatt controls much of this match. He has Finn Balor beaten down and grounded. Wyatt keeps a methodical pace in picking Balor apart. Finn fights back, knocking down Balor with sick kicks. Wyatt gets taken out with a kick to the face.
Finn and Bray mix it up. Wyatt regains control and drops Balor with a Sister Abagail.
Bray Wyatt defeats Finn Balor
Post-Match: Wyatt dumps a bucket of what appears to be blood on Finn Balor’s head. Balor is dripping with with bright red blood. Wyatt smiles and laughs.
Emma vs. Mickie James
Emma controls most of this match. She’s really living up to the #GiveEmmaAChance hash tag. But then outta nowhere, Emma gets dropped with a Mick Kick.
Mickie James defeats Emma
So much for give Emma a chance.
The Miz vs. Jason Jordan
Jason Jordan dominates this match. He tosses The Miz left and right with suplexes. The Miz is no match for Jason Jordan. The Miztourage’s Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas rush the ring and ambush Jordan. The Hardy Boyz run out and even the score. The Hardy Boyz and Jason Jordan take out The Miz and his Miztourage. I smell a six-man tag.
No Contest.
The Hardy Boyz & Jason Jordan vs. The Miztourage
Matt, Jeff, and Jordan all beat up Curtis Axel. Jason Jordan looks like he;’s about to rip Axel’s arm out of its socket. Axel fights back and beats Jordan down into the corner. But Jordan fires back with a dropkick and a deep arm drag.
The Hardys get in the match and get up on Bo Dallas. Jeff knocks Dallas senseless with a clotheslines in the corner. Jason Jordan gets the tag and he dominates Dallas. Jordan knocks Dallas out of the ring, but Miz gets the tag.
Jason Jordan puts the whooping on The Miz. Jordan charges at Miz in the corner, but Curtis Axel moves his boss out of the way. Jordan’s shoulder goes right into the steel. Miz capitalizes and stomps the sh*t out of Jordan.
The Miztoruage is kicking ass. But then good guys turn the tide. Matt Hardy almost deletes the competition. Jason Jordan is a total beast and brought his opponents to Suplex City. Jeff Hardy hits a Swanton Bomb on Bo Dallas for the win.
The Hardy Boyz & Jason Jordan defeat The Miztourage
The Final Hype Before SummerSlam
Paul Heyman is in the ring with his client the reigning and defending WWE Universal Champion “The Beast Incarnate” Brrrooooocccckkkkkk Leeeeessssnnnaaarrrrrr!
Heyman hypes up Brock Lesnar like he’s Superman returning to Earth or the second-coming of Jebus. Lesnar’s manager says that all these years he’s been underselling Lesnar. He is more of a beast than you know. He’ll conquer all three opponents, whether it’s Samoa Joe, Roman Reigns or Braun Strowman. But the problem is that Lesnar doesn’t have to be pinned to lose the title. So, one of his opponents can sneak off with the Universal Championship “like a thief into the night” without even beating Brock Lesnar.
Samoa Joe’s music hits. He walks down to the ring, looks Lesnar in the eye and tells The Beast that he’s not afraid of him. But then…we hear the theme music of “The Monster Among Men.”
Out comes Braun Strowman who tells Lesnar that he’s the last man standing. Joe cuts off Strowman and say the only reason he won last week is because of him. Roman Reigns was whopping Strowman’s butt all around the arena. And then Joe came out and made Reigns pass out. Strowman was only barely standing off Joe pounced on Roman.
Roman Reigns’ music hits next. Reigns power-walks down to the ring and immediately spears Samoa Joe. All hell breaks loose. Braun Strowman drops Reigns with a scoop-slam and kicks his ass out of the ring. Strowman and Lesnar brawl like crazy. The entire Raw locker-room has to break them apart.
Brock Lesnar breaks free! Strowman and Lesnar brawl as Monday Night Raw goes off the air.