Bucks County Schools Lockdown: Full Story & Must-See Details

Central Bucks Bucks School District in Pennsylvania has placed seven schools on lockdown a day after the it closed all of its schools following a prisoner escape in the area.
Via Central Bucks School District:

Due to police activity in the area, the Central Bucks School District currently has 7 schools in lock down. They are Central Bucks High School South, Tamanend and Unami Middle Schools, and Butler, Mill Creek, Titus, and Barclay Elementary schools. There is no immediate danger or threat to the schools, but we are following our lock down procedures as a precaution. Students will not be allowed to leave the building until the lock down is over. Parents should not go to the schools impacted since they will not be allowed into the building during a lock down.
We will provide additional information as it is available.

What’s Happening?

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The school district has yet to reveal the exact nature of the incident that prompted the lockdowns. Bucks County dispatchers said police did not instruct the schools to go on lockdown. As of now, seven schools are on lockdown.

Authorities continue to search for Daniel Selby Jr., 25. who remained on the loose Tuesday. He is wanted on charges of aggravated assault of law enforcement, assault by prisoner and escape. He allegedly escaped Sunday night during a transport in the area of Bristol Road and Lower State Road in Doylestown Township.
UPDATE (1:00 P.M.): Selby is back in police custody, according to Doylestown Township Police. The lockout has been lifted.

UPDATE: Daniel Selby Sr., 65, has been arrested for allegedly dropping his son off in Philadelphia, according to Warrington Police.
“The resident reports (Selby) is now wearing a dark jacket, jeans, and boots,” police said in a news release.
Selby, who had no history of violent behavior, allegedly escaped after he claimed he was feeling ill during the transport, Doylestown Township police said. He managed to get free of his foot shackles and ran off while handcuffed and wearing an orange shirt, according to officials.
The Central Bucks School District closed schools Monday as a result of Selby’s escape.
Selby is not considered armed or dangerous by Central Bucks police. He was being held for failing to appear on a felony drug charge. He is 6-feet-tall with a scruffy beard and had on red handcuffs when he fled, according to police.

Central Bucks School District

Central Bucks High School South, also known as CB South, is one of three high schools in the Central Bucks School District. The school is located in Warrington, Pennsylvania in Bucks County.
Completed in late 2004, the school opened in January 2005, so the first graduating class attended classes in the school only during the spring semester of that year. CB South is the most recent high school in the Central Bucks School District, following Central Bucks High School East and Central Bucks High School West. The high school hosts grades 10–12 and is built for a just under 2,000 students. Its two feeder schools are Unami Middle School and Tamanend Middle School.
CB South is located on Folly Road. The school cost approximately $84 million to build and is the largest in the Central Bucks School District school.

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