Best Wii U Games Of 2016: Top 5 Best Wii U Games To Play Now

Although it never quite caught fire with gamers in the way the Wii did, Nintendo’s Wii U had tons of amazing exclusive games. Most were made by Nintendo itself, with the likes of Mario and pals. With the console’s successor, the Nintendo Switch, set to drop March 3, the Wii U is running out the clock. Prices are plummeting for the system and its games, making for excellent opportunities for bargain hunters looking to fill out their collections.
Here’s a look at the best Wii U games available right now:

5. Bayonetta 2

Publisher: Nintendo
Developers: PlatinumGames

An awkward fit for the family-friendly console, this was nonetheless one of the best action games on any console this generation. The scantily-clad, death-dealing vixen deals out stylish death to her enemies, with combo-driven hack-and-slash combat punctuated with show-stopping boss battles.

ORDER: Bayonetta 2

4. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Publishers: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo

The GameCube classic re-emerges with revamped visuals and gameplay that make it far better than the original version. The cartoonish visuals belie a deadly, intense quest to sail the ocean and take down dark lord Ganon. If HD remasters of Zelda games are your thing, you should also give Twilight Princess HD a whirl.

ORDER: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD here

3. Super Mario 3D World

Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo

Combining the best of both side-scrolling and open-world Mario platformer realms, you guide Mario and crew from a top-down perspective through an array of gorgeous and creative levels. Multiplayer is frenzied fun, with as many as three other players able to join in if you’ve got Wii or classic controllers at the ready.

ORDER: Super Mario 3D World

2. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Bandai Namco

One of Nintendo’s most impressive online multiplayer efforts to date lets you slug it out with dozens of classic characters. The backgrounds are just as impressive as the selection of characters and special moves, with each sporting its own hazards and combat enhancements.

ORDER: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

1. Mario Kart 8

Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo

This series has been a prime reason to own a Nintendo system since the Super NES days, and developers have just about perfected the formula over the years. New courses join with favorites from the past, and software updates have added faster racing classes that challenge even the most seasoned pros. Online multiplayer is fast, fun and addictive. The company thinks so highly of this game that the Switch is getting an enhanced version of Mario Kart 8 rather than a sequel.

ORDER: Mario Kart 8

Order Phil Villarreal’s novel, Zeta Male, here.

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