Elementary School Has Fake Cocaine And Razor Blades At Party, Forced To Apologize… Wait, What?

Yeah, WTF, right? I also did a double-take when I read this headline. How could anyone, let alone a school full of teachers (?!?!) be this completely heads-up-their-asses stupid. Well, apparently the entire staff of Northcote School in Auckland, New Zealand IS, in fact that stupid. That’s right, at a Las Vegas-themed party, they left out mirrors, razor blades, and lines of icing sugar. Yes, the party was adults only but said ADULTS were made up of the PARENTS of the students who attend that school. You’re telling me if you’re a parent who’s sending their child to be nurtured and grow at THIS school, and their notion of a good idea is to simulate cocaine use at a party with said PARENTS, that you’d be cool with this? No shot.
According to Metro, the party was attended by friends and parents of the school, including – INCLUDING – the country’s health minister Jonathan Coleman. I don’t know what the hell health minister means, but I’m sure it’s akin to our Surgeon General.
When Coleman was asked by reporters if he had tried any, health minister Coleman denied snorting any of the fake coke at the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARTY. Please read that last sentence out loud, it deserves it.

“Of course not. I was there all night, and frankly I didn’t even know that this prop was there,” Coleman said.

BULL. I wonder how good this guys poker face is, cause I’m not buying it.
Now, as for the school.  Andrew Fox, the school’s board chairman, said:

“Yes, fake cocaine, in the form of icing sugar, was one of the many props and decorations displayed as part of the satirical Las Vegas theme: Vegas, Baby.
In hindsight, this was an inappropriate choice of prop and we apologize for the offense it may have caused some people and for the reaction that has followed.”

He added that the school did not encourage the use of illegal drugs. Yeah, I mean, that is probably something he should say.
I always knew Australia and New Zealand were a little, uh, off. But, wow.

[h/t Metro]

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A Non-Profit Called 'Parents Against Pot' Published 10 Reasons Not To Date A Stoner And I Haven't Laughed This Hard All Week