This is a man wise far beyond his years. Alton Sterling’s son, Cameron, is merely 15 years old, which is about a freshman or sophomore in high school. Not only is he preparing for his father’s funeral, but throughout all of this, he is still conscience about the state of the nation, and what his father’s death has done to it.
In an interview with CBS This Morning’s David Begnaud, Cameron spoke about his father, police, and what should happen going forward:
“How I feel? I feel all police shouldn’t be punished for other police’s crimes. The police in Dallas, Texas … they didn’t deserve that. Because, no body knew if they had kids to go home to. Those kids need their parents.
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It takes immense maturity to have this kind of poise and perspective a mere week after your father was killed. Cameron seems like he is going to grow up to be a hell of a man.