Princeton Review Names University Of Illinois Top Party School

Every year The Princeton Review ranks the top party schools in America and this year The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has earned the #1 spot. According to The Huffington Post this is the first year Illinois has ever taken the top spot. Last year Syracuse was ranked #1, but have fallen to #5 this year. Princeton Review surveyed tens of thousands of college students, ranging from freshmen to seniors, at the top schools across the country. Since 1992 the average number of students surveyed at each school has risen from 125 to 358.
Here are the top 10 party schools from the list, and rememeber, it’s not too late to transfer.
10. Colgate University
9. Tulane University
8. University of Georgia
7. West Virginia University
6. University of California – Santa Barbara
5. Syracuse University
4. Bucknell University
3. University of Wisconsin – Madison
2. University of Ohio
1. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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