19 Worst Movies Of 2014 [Links]

This is the time of year when everyone is talking about Oscar nominations and best performances, but our friends over at The Huffington Post have reminded us that not all movies were created equal. Many movies that have multi-million dollar budgets and Hollywood’s biggest actors still aren’t worth our time. CLICK HERE to see the 19 worst movies of 2014, according to Rotten Tomatoes.
And here are some more interesting links to kick off your Friday morning…

5 rules for sleeping in bed with your friends [Cracked]

Watch Steve Carell sing barbershop [College Candy]

Manny Ramirez might be a worse golfer than Charles Barkley [Busted Coverage]

Kate Upton gets topless in S.I. behind the scenes video [The Superficial]

Scott Stapp has (even more) officially lost his mind [TMZ]

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Watch the US Navy Blow Stuff Up Real Good With Their New Laser Cannon [VIDEO]
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