Introducing #SpringBroken: The Greatest Collection of Spring Break 2017 FAILs

We’re now knuckle-deep into Spring Break 2017 which means that a ton of you have done some extremely unintelligent things in the name of becoming legendary party animals. We’d rather that you all not risk their lives or livers, but we do appreciate those of you who choose to ignore our advice and instead submit video proof of the dumb stuff you’ve gotten up to.
If you’re already following @COED on Instagram, you know that’s the spot where we been publish the hottest Spring Break content. But in the name of 360° marketing, we’ve decided to show the rest of you what you’ve been missing, with the big reveal of our new favorite hashtag: #SpringBroken.
These are the FAIL photos and videos of Spring Breakers whose party isn’t exactly going according to plan. Whether their stage dive takes a wrong turn, they get caught by the police urinating on the beach, or maybe they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, the one thing they all have in common is that they’re all winding up feeling somewhat remorseful and definitely #SpringBroken.

Don’t want to miss anymore #SpringBroken gems? Got one of your own to send us? Follow and DM @COED on Instagram now.

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