Orlando International Airport Coronavirus: 260 Workers Test Positive

The Orlando International Airport has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. On Wednesday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis revealed that 260 workers at the airport have tested positive for the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The 260 positive tests came after 500 workers were tested.

The troubling number means more than 50 percent of the workers who were tested at the airport came back with a positive test.

“[An]Airport in Central Florida had a couple of cases, they did the contract tracing. They looked [at] almost 500 workers [and] 260 people working close together were positive, 52 percent positivity rate on that one,” DeSantis said, via Click Orlando.

The news comes as more than 2,780 new cases of coronavirus were reported in Florida on Tuesday — which marked the highest number for the state during the pandemic.

Florida was one of the states to roll back social distancing and quarantine laws as more and more states begin to reopen and see their own numbers spike. According to the latest numbers, more than 80,100 people have tested positive from COVID-19 and 2,993 people have died from coronavirus across the state.


The coronavirus mainly comes from animals and a majority of those who were infected early either worked at or frequently visited the Huanan seafood wholesale market in Wuhan, according to The Guardian. The virus is similar to Severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (Mers).

The Wuhan coronavirus is transmitted from person to person through “droplet transmission.” That means an infected person can pass the virus by sneezing or coughing on another person as well as by direct contact.

While a majority of the cases have been detected in the United States and China — with more than 117,000 deaths in the United States — it has now reached many countries around the world. It has also been confirmed in Italy, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and many other eastern countries.

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