Taco Bell Diner Saved By Love Of Hot Sauce When Car Rams Through Building

Do you love Taco Bell hot sauce? Well, little did you know, it could potentially save your life. One customer found that out in a terrifying way recently when they narrowly escaped a vehicle driving through the building.
According to the Orlando Sentinel, “a 77-year-old New York man driving a gray Nissan accidentally plowed through a wall and window of the Winter Haven fast food eatery, sending tables and chairs flying in an explosion of glass and debris just where the customer had been sitting seconds earlier.”
The driver apparently didn’t know the difference between drive and reverse.
From the report:

Emmanuel Akowuah intended to back out of his parking space and told police he thought he was in reverse when he pressed the accelerator. No one was injured in the crash, which took place at about 4:30 p.m. Akowuah’s wife was also in the SUV.

This is not the first time that Taco Bell has saved someone’s life in recent memory, either.
Recently, a man was stranded in his vehicle with his dog. According to the Oregon man, it was Taco Bell hot sauce that saved his life. Taco Bell even acknowledged the situation.
“We’re very glad Jeremy and (his dog) Ally are okay. We know our sauce packets are amazing, but this takes it to a whole new level. We’re in touch with Jeremy and getting him some well-deserved tacos and a care package,” a Taco Bell rep said.

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