Marijuana Company Offers Free Weed To Workers During Government Shutdown

Do you love marijuana? Do you hate the government shutdown? Do you love marijuana and work in the government during the shutdown? Well, if the answer is yes, then there is some fantastic news for you.
“I don’t think federal employees are getting enough love and support, in these tough times, we want to extend the offer of a donation of medical cannabis to any federal worker affected by the shutdown,” BudTrader CEO Brad McLaughlin said via a press release, via the Hill.
Thanks to the “Craigslist of Weed”, you can get some free devil’s lettuce until the government re-opens.
From the report:

The site said it will donate “the maximum legal allowable amount of cannabis” to any affected government employees. Several companies and organizations have offered free goods and services to government employees struggling during the partial shutdown. Celebrity chef José Andrés opened up a pop-up restaurant offering free meals, while Kraft announced a grocery store pop-up filled with its products.

To qualify for the incredible offer, you have to be a resident of California.
“To any Federal Employee unable to pay for their medical cannabis due to the Government shutdown, BudTrader will donate to you the allowable, legal, limit according to California adult use rules and regulations to help ease your suffering in this difficult time,” wrote on Facebook. “The donation will be completely confidential. For more information please visit God Bless all Federal Employees, God Bless the Cannabis Community and God Bless the United States of America.”

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