Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Attend Comic-Con

The best time of the year is not Christmas, not Thanksgiving, not your birthday, but the weekend of San Diego Comic Con. A place where everything you could ever imagine is crammed into a convention center. Well, not everything you can dream of, flying pigs and fairies aren’t at comic con, but there are people dressed like that there. But, it’s not just the people who dress up, it’s the colors, the booths, the comics. Celebrities are walking around from our favorite TV shows and movies, boxes of our favorite comic books, artists, and writers interacting with comic fans. There are so many amazing things that come out of the comic con, and here are our five reasons you should attend SDCC.

Building Comic Collection

It’s in the name, comic con. You will find loads of comic books ranging from volumes to single issues, even to graded comics. For those avid collectors, SDCC is a gold mind for adding to their collections. Old, new, vintage, gold, silver, all kinds of comics. Marvel, DC, IDW, and more are coming out with comics every month. Comics are where our favorite superheroes were born. You will find the 5 cent comic books at every comic booth. And if you find or have single issues in excellent condition, go grade them and make them worth even more than they already are. Sometimes if you have a clean, protected Spider-Man issue that’s signed by the writer or artist, it could be $100, get it graded and triple that price. Comic-con is heaven for comic books.

Easter Egg Hunts

There are so many exclusive poster, art, figurines, shirts, and comics, everyone is looking for them. Like an Easter egg hunt, people will go hunting for this one specific exclusive. They will search every booth to find this exclusive. Their life depends on them finding it. They will go to every booth at least five times in the four days they are there. They will rest at nothing until they find what they are looking for. Because once they find it, they will go looking for a new exclusive. It’s like the circle of life for them, they hunt, they find, they’re happy, then they move on and find the next one.

Celebrity Interactions

SDCC has its celebrities roaming around the show floor. There are three ways you can interact with celebrities that are not through interviews or panels. One accidentally bumps into them either on the street, entrance or inside the convention center. Two, they will do a signing inside the exhibit hall. And three, this is one that most people can never be sure if it’s a celebrity or not. Most celebrities like to go on the show floor but don’t want to get caught by a massive crowd of fans. Their solution is to dress up and cover their face with a mask. So, some fans who pose with a random person dressed in a superhero costume could be taking a picture with Tom Holland.

Seeing Your Business Hero’s

Comic-Con isn’t just a place to show for comics and see the latest trailers before they are released. Comics start with a writer and artist, and those writers and artists are at the convention. A lot of comic fans look up to these writers and artists, this is their chance to meet their heroes. People get to meet the professionals who helped them start their career in writing or artistry. It’s an experience, and getting the chance to thank them is fulfilling and worth every penny.

Being Your Inner Child

Everyone wants to be a hero, or a princess, or a sports star, or a leader, pretty much whatever their imagination wants to take them. Comic-Con is the home to bringing out everyone’s inner child. Comic-Con isn’t just a natural playground, it’s a playground for people of all ages. Watching people enter Comic-Con is like watching a child’s eyes light up in a candy store. There is no better feeling in the world than feeling like a kid.

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