Arizona College Will Save Schools From Active Shooters With This

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, a college in Arizona, has developed a program of studying technology to make schools safer from active shooters.

The study is said to be the first of its kind by the professor leading the research


The study will especially focus on barriers that intruders can go through. (Source:

The school recently obtained a $769,890 grant from the National Institute of Justice to test different types of technology to prevent intruders from entering schools at the school’s Prescott campus.
The research is being led by Professor Tom Foley, with the University’s College of Security and Intelligence. According to him, the technology will test barriers like doors, windows, locks and glass against guns. The study will specifically focus on guns that have been used in past shootings.

Professor Foley: ‘We want to slow the bad guy long enough for the good guys to get there…’

According to ABC 15, a statement from Foley explained:

“We want to slow the bad guy long enough for the good guys to get there…The Sandy Hook shooting took six minutes from the first to last shot. We are figuring out how to keep a shooter away from students long enough for police to arrive and stop the shooter. In essence, we are figuring out how to enhance security designs to give the kids at the next Sandy Hook six minutes before the bad guy gets to them.”

In addition, Foley has said that this is the first time that using such technology has been studied in an academic setting.

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