We’ve all been there. Well, most of us at least (shout out to student loan debt!).
Its the first day of college and your folks are dropping you off once and for all. Mom is all emotional, Dad is bored AF, and you are just absolutely itching to get wasted. You set up your room as fast as humanly possible just so you can usher your pants out to the door and pop open that warm bottle of plastic handle vodka. You give your Dad a hug and your Mother a kiss goodbye before saying your final goodbye.
Then, a couple of minutes later, your phone lights up with a text from Mom. Usually, it’s an ‘I love you’, ‘I’m going to miss you’, or an ‘I’m so proud of you text.’
For Texas State freshman Avery Leilani, her drop off day was a little different. Instead of heading home to spend her night missing her baby girl, Leilani’s mother made her way to the school’s football field. Then, this happened:
via NBC 4:
After dropping her daughter off on Monday, Leilani’s mom wasted no time seeing what all the fuss was about in San Marcos. She made headed to the football field and made new friends along the way.
Since posting the screenshots on social media, Leilani’s tweet, as of Wednesday morning, has been retweeted more than 85,000 times. It has also racked up more than 388,000 favorites and collected around 1,000 replies.
My mom dropped me off today for College freshman orientation and she sends me this… #TXST21 pic.twitter.com/etJhflZrE0
— Leilani (@Avery_Leilani) June 20, 2017
And of course, someone had to slap a Brazzers logo on it:
I see you, Mom. I know exactly what you were up to.