National Cat Day 2017: Top 10 Ways To Celebrate All That Is Cat

National Cat Day is a holiday that crept up on us this year. The holiday has an official website, so they’ve made sure to help by reminding us all the ways that we can help the cats in our lives!

‘Happy Cat Day, Everyone!’

National Cat Day


  • Adopt a cat from a local shelter! This is not feasible for everyone out there, but if you can, and you want to, it is probably a good idea!
  • Just because you can’t afford a cat doesn’t mean you still can’t help shelter cats. You can always share blankets, food and toys to animal welfare organizations. And money! Who doesn’t need some more money lying around?
  • Can’t you help shelter cats without money? Yes, you can! You can volunteer your time to help with shelters, meaning you’ll get to play with kittens!
  • Write your local politicians to ask them to help fight kitten mills (and gas chambers) in your state.
  • Be a cat for the day! Paint your face to look like a cat! Wear fake cat-ears! Purchase a cat-related T-shirt or costume. Change your name to “Cat!” Not “Catherine,” just “Cat!”
National Cat Day


  • Host a National Cat Day party and invite all the local cats! Make a seafood buffet and I’m sure the cats will just find you!
  • If you don’t have a cat yourself, but still have a cat in your life, like one belonging to a neighbor or relative, you can always indulge them by sending new toys or cat-related treats.
  • Bake some cat-related treats, like a cat-shaped cake or cookies. If you lack creativity, commission one of those photo cakes with a photo of a random cat. Keep in mind: do not feed such baked goods to a cat or use cat in your baking.
  • Look up some cat-related photos on Facebook. If you already have a cat, then upload your photos of said cat to the site!
  • Watch some cat videos on YouTube. Who are we kidding? You probably have a cat video in another tab. You were just about to watch a cat video regardless of what I said. You probably watched one less than an hour ago. Some of you probably have plans to make cat videos!

Watch your precious cat videos! You have no choice in the matter!

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