Aaron Carter Arrested On DUI & Marijuana Possession Charges








Aaron’s party got a little out of hand on Saturday, as the 29-year-old pop singer was arrested in Georgia. Carter was driving to his concert in Kansas City, Missouri when he was pulled over by Habersham County police. According to Entertainment Tonight, Carter was arrested on charges of DUI refusal, possession of marijuana less than one ounce, and possession of drug-related objects.
Carter’s girlfriend Madison Parker was riding in the car with Aaron, and she was also arrested by police. ABC News has reported that she’s been charged with possession of marijuana less than one ounce, obstruction of law enforcement officers, and possession of drug-related objects. Talk about a ride or die chick.

Carter was supposed to play a gig with Flo Rida at Kansas City Live!, which sounds like the worst live music experience of all-time. Carter was obviously unable to make the concert, so his Twitter account relayed the following message to his fans.
I love how Carter’s reps called him getting getting plastered and driving a vehicle “transportation issues.” What a crock of shit. Beating Shaq in a game of one-on-one and having a social media team to spin a DUI arrest. Is there anything this man can’t do???

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