Wawa Day: How To Get Free Wawa Coffee

Today is Thursday, April 13, 2017, which means one glorious thing: it’s Wawa Day. You can stroll on over to your local Wawa at anytime and pick yourself up a coffee of any size and any flavor for absolutely free. Hell, you can even fill your cup up with 90% creamer if that’s what your heart desires. The world is your oyster.

Wawa Day is held every year to celebrate the convenience store’s anniversary. 2017 marks their 53rd anniversary, and it’s pretty hard to believe that East Coasters like myself have made it this far without it. Wawa expects to give away an astounding two million cups of free coffee at their 750 stores across six states today. And if you’re not sure where your closest Wawa is located, you can head on over to their store locator and plug in your zip code. Hopefully for everyone reading this post, hot, tasty, and totally free coffee is right around the corner.

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