Theo Wargo/Getty Images
Longtime comedian Don Rickles died today at the ripe age of 90. He’s known worldwide for his hilarious, yet insulting brand of comedy. No one was safe from Rickles’ satirical jabs (not even Frank Sinatra). He’s definitely no PC. Don will be be remembered for outstanding comedic career, which spans over half a century.
He’s ironically dubbed “Mr. Warmth,” since his jokes are ice cold.
Rickles has performed on the stage and in front of the camera since the late 1950s. And even in the new millennium, his comedy was still kicking. Remember Mr. Potato Head from the Toy Story films? Well, he’s really Don Rickles. Don played Mr. Potato Head for all four films. Toy Story 4 will hit theaters in 2019.
Considering, he’s been in the game so long, you’d expect him to have tons of excellent one-liners lying around on the internet. As a matter of fact (and opinion), Don has plenty of punchlines you can find.
Don Rickles: Best Quotes & Famous Sayings
“Some people say funny things, but I say things funny.”
“You can’t study comedy; it’s within you. It’s a personality. My humor is an attitude.”
“Political correctness? In my humor, I never talk about politics. I was never much into all that.”
“Room service is great if you want to pay $500 for a club sandwich.”
“I cannot tell a joke. But I can do a situation, that becomes a joke.”
“You throw your best punch, otherwise don’t do it.”
“I have to have energy because I have a lot of expenses. A couple of cars, couple of dogs and a big estate.”
“Funny is funny.”
“Show business is my life. When I was a kid I sold insurance, but nobody laughed.“