WATCH: Some Nutcase Compiled 8 Hours of Jason Williams Highlight Footage

Jason Williams–aka White Chocolate–is probably one of the most exciting and entertaining basketball players to watch in the history of the sport. So if you’re a fan of the man who invented the elbow pass, today is a day to rejoice because some nut case dedicated super fan literally just uploaded EIGHT HOURS of Jason Williams highlights.
Redditor /u/elbowpass announced that he had finally finished his piece de resistance today, which honestly had a couple of people shocked and concerned that someone would spend so much time doing something like that. Here’s his response.

As you can tell, I’m a huuuuge JWill fan. Closes I’ve ever come to meeting him was getting his autograph in Memphis after a Grizzlies game. As a kid, I recorded everything Jason Williams that came on my tv. Got some footage from some friends in Sacramento. Had some connections to get footage from West Virginia of High School games. So from boxes and boxes of VHS tapes and dvds to 8 hours on YouTube, here it is. I love being a part of this NBA community and appreciate what you guys bring to my NBA love each and everyday. So I wanted to do this for you guys.

Obviously I haven’t watched every single video, but the clips show everything from his best interviews to his passes. These videos are a gem that should be kept forever in the Library of Congress.
Fun fact: The Lord of the Rings film trilogy is 9 hours and 18 minutes, but honestly I feel like these highlight videos are a better use of your time.


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